Starting from:


Website Essentials -- How to Build a Simple Photography Website that Actually Gets You Leads

After almost 200 hours of coaching with our photography students, we know that most new photographers have a fundamental misunderstanding of what their website is even for.
And even those who do know the purpose of their website, almost never design their photography sites with an effective customer journey in mind.
Without building an intentional and effective website, you could be wasting your marketing efforts by bringing interested clients to a website that might show off your best images and even give some pricing information, but isn't actually leading to new leads!
That's where this workshop comes in! 

Why Now?
Your website is one of the most important tools in your sales toolbelt. But if your website isn't properly set up to convert interested visitors into leads that are reaching out and ready to hear from you, then all your marketing efforts could be wasted.
Your ideal clients are probably viewing 5-10 photographer's websites. Do you want yours to stand out and encourage them to contact you? Or will your website be just another tab closed out after a few minutes of scrolling?

Why This Course?
One of our two-on-one website audits costs hundreds of dollars for an hour of our time. But in this workshop, we're putting together everything we know about effective photography websites, and for a fraction of the cost!

Why Learn from Us?
From 2017 to 2022, we turned a $75 website template into a lead-generating machine that brought in more than $1,000,000 worth of leads each year! We learned as much as we could about effective websites, tried and tested a variety of different things, and found what worked. Not only that, but we've performed a "website audit" for more than a dozen of our students and apprentices!

What Will You Learn?
Here's what we'll cover in this 2-hour workshop: 

  • What is a website REALLY for? -- almost every single one of our past students has had a misunderstanding of the most essential purpose of a photography website. 
  • Building a customer journey -- an effective website doesn't just show information, but brings potential customers on a journey. We'll teach you how to identify your ideal customer journey, and then build it into your website.
  • The three iterations of your website/brand -- just like businesses grow with time, so will your website. Is the site that you're working on (or dreaming of) right for the stage of business that you're in?
  • Essential website pages -- while there are dozens of different pages you could design for your website, we think there are just FOUR essential pages that every photography website needs.
  • Visual expressions of your brand -- we're photographers, so it's all about the visuals. From the images you select to the colors and fonts and logos you display, we'll teach how the visual aspects of your site can make or break the experience for visitors. 
  • Common website mistakes -- After almost 200 hours of coaching, we've done a LOT of website audits. We looked through dozens of coaching homework assignments, and landed on the most common mistakes that we see many photographers making!


Who Are We?
Meet your instructors: Hunter and Sarah Sheldon! We're a husband-and-wife, professional wedding photography team based in central Virginia, on the east coast of the US. We've been photographing weddings for nearly a decade, and consistently bring in $200,000+ per year in our photography business. We've photographed weddings and engagement sessions all over the US, and even internationally! And we love what we do, every day, working with incredible couples and capturing beautiful wedding days. 

On top of that, we're educators, and our goal is to help photographers build strong foundations in both their businesses and their personal lives, so they can run profitable and sustainable photography businesses! We've been mentoring photographers for years toward success they could only imagine, and have personally helped newer photographers build profitable businesses, quit their jobs, and pursue their dreams through our coaching and our workshops. Speaking of which, we've led almost 200 hours of coaching calls and live workshops, and are excited to continue using our expertise to take you and your business to the next level.

When You Enroll Today...
You'll get access to the recording of the entire 2-hour workshop, which was hosted live in July of 2023! You have unlimited access to watch and re-watch the recording as many times as you'd like! The slides from the presentation are also included, for your convenience.

What Others Are Saying About Learning from Hunter and Sarah:
"[Hunter and Sarah] took me step-by-step from being a person with a camera to a professional portrait photographer, booking and shooting multiple sessions per week. They pushed me to bet on myself and my abilities, and really put my all into my photography business. My business would not be where it is now without [Hunte rand Sarah], and neither would I. They believed in me before I believed in myself, and with their guidance and encouragement, I have grown immensely as a photographer, as a businesswoman, and as a person." - Kelly S., Wedding Photographer & HSPE Coaching Student 2019-Present

"Through [Hunter and Sarah's] program, I have learned the ins-and-outs of successfully running a photography business. Learning from them has not only increased my photography knowledge base and skill sets, but it has also given me the confidence to go out and lead-shoot a wedding day. As someone who still works full-time, having a wedding and portrait photography business has added so much value to my life. I love the community that I've built around my photography and the opportunities for creativity that it affords!" - Hayley S., Part-time Photographer & HSPE Coaching Student 2021-2023